A bacteriological survey on traditional ice creams in retailers of Rasht (Guilan province, North of Iran) in spring of 2009


  Abstract:   Traditional ice cream is a favorite food in Iran especially among the children and youngsters. This survey is made to determine the bacterial contamination of traditional ice creams in Rasht city of Guilan province of Iran. Hence one or two samples were collected (total samples of 120) from each ice cream retailer and sent to the laboratory for microbiological exams according to Iran’s Standard Organization. Results indicated that 74 samples (38.3 %) had total count and 61 samples (50.8 %) had Coliforms more than standards. 12 samples (10%) of ice creams were contaminated with Escherichia coli and 7 samples (5.9%) were contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus. 27 retailers (37%) had poor personal hygiene, 24 retailers (35%) had poor instrumental hygiene and 21 retailers (35%) had poor constructive hygiene. There was a statistical relation between poor hygiene of retailers and contamination of traditional ice creams. In conclusion, the hygienic properties of traditional ice creams and retailers were not suitable. It is recommended that the hygienic inspection of these retailers is necessary.
