Publication Ethics

Ethical principles of publishing an article


The charter and standards of research ethics approved by the Deputy Minister of Research and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology should be a guide for authors and those involved in judging and publishing the journal. Authors, judges, editors and editors of the journal are required to know and adhere to all principles of research ethics and related responsibilities in the field of printing. It should be noted that this quarterly follows the law of publishing ethics (cope)


Duties and obligations of authors


The author in charge of the article is responsible for the scientific accuracy of his article and the protection of the rights of other authors and their order, and the authors are obliged to ensure the accuracy of the content of the articles. The publication of an article does not imply endorsement by the journal.

The submitted article should not have been previously published in any journal. In the letter sent, the responsible author must state this clearly.

Scientific terms and specific names are standardized and edited according to the journal policy.

The submitted articles must be in the specialized field of the journal and in a scientific and coherent manner, in accordance with the journal writing procedure.

The submitted articles should be the result of the original research of the authors presenting the article and any use of other people's research should be mentioned in the article by mentioning the source. The research must be done accurately and objectively and the data must be reported correctly.

Authors are obliged to inform the journal about any errors and inaccuracies in their article, to correct it or to withdraw the article whenever they notice it.

The authors of the articles are expected to collaborate with the journal in judging the articles of other researchers in relevant fields.

If at any stage of submitting, judging, editing, or publishing an article in or after the journal, one of the cases of immoral publishing and research behavior is ascertained, the journal has the right to deal with it legally.






Duties of judges


The selected referee should immediately inform the editor of the publication of his decision to accept or reject the referee after reviewing the abstract. Also, if the referee is not accepted, the referee is expected to assist the editor of the publication in selecting a replacement referee.

The reviewer should be professionally expert in the subject area of ​​the article. The referee should not accept articles that are far from his / her field of expertise. It is also appropriate for the arbitrator to avoid judging articles that differ in principle and may not be able to review them fairly.

Judging articles should be done on the basis of sufficient scientific documents and reasoning, and the use of taste, personal, trade union, racial, religious, etc. opinions in judging articles should be avoided.

The reviewer should keep all information in the articles confidential and avoid sharing it with others and discussing its details with others.

The referee is not allowed to contact the authors directly in relation to the articles being judged. Any contact with the authors of the articles will be made only through the office of the journal.


Duties of the editor and members of the editorial board


The authority and responsibility of selecting the judges and accepting or rejecting an article after obtaining the opinion of the judges is the responsibility of the editor and members of the editorial board of the magazine.

The editor and members of the editorial board of the magazine should be professionally expert, expert and have numerous publications, as well as a spirit of responsibility, accountability, truth-seeking, fairness and impartiality, adherence to professional ethics and respect for the rights of others, and seriously and participate responsibly in order to achieve the goals of the magazine and its continuous improvement.

The editor and members of the editorial board are expected to prepare a database of suitable referees for the journal and to update it regularly based on the performance of the referees.

The editor of the journal should welcome deep and reasoned judgments, avoid superficial and weak judgments, and deal with biased, unfounded, or derogatory judgments.

The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal should take the necessary steps to register and archive the judging documents of the articles as scientific documents, and to keep the names of the referees of each article confidential.

Decisions on accepting or rejecting articles should be made on the basis of evaluating the expert opinions of the judges and assessing their correctness, and sufficient scientific documentation and reasoning, and the application of opinions based on taste, personal, professional, racial, religious, etc. should not be allowed.

The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal are responsible for promptly announcing the final decision on whether to accept or reject the article to the author.

The editor and members of the journal's editorial board should keep all information in the articles confidential and avoid sharing it with others and discussing its details with others.

The editor of the journal is obliged to promptly delete published articles in which it is determined that "publishing and research immoral behavior" has occurred, and to provide clear information to readers and relevant indexing authorities.

The editor and members of the editorial board of the journal are obliged to review and publish the correction quickly and to inform the readers clearly about the published articles in which errors have been found.

Editors and editorial board members are expected to welcome the publication of reasonable and acceptable reviews of published articles.

The magazine's editor and editorial staff should be constantly consulted with the magazine's authors, readers, and reviewers to improve the magazine's publishing policies and the quality of its form and content.