The Journal of Veterinary Laboratory Research is published in two quarterly journals in order to publish the results of applied and fundamental research in various fields of laboratory sciences. These two quarterly journals are ready to receive original research articles, short scientific communications, case reports, letters to the editor and review articles.
1- The author and authors are obliged to attach a letter of confirmation along with the article stating that the article will not be sent to other journals at the same time and that all or part of it will not be published in other journals.
- The author or authors are responsible for the accuracy of the content written in their article.
3- Using the contents of the magazine by mentioning the source is not prohibited.
- The editorial board is free to accept, reject, change the text and summarize the article in the form of a short report.
5- The received documents related to the article will not be returned to the author or authors.
6- The accepted articles will be published according to the date of receipt, after judging and announcing the acceptance.
Article preparation method:
- Articles should be typed on A4 paper with a distance of 2 cm between the lines and 3 cm in the margin and with WORD software version 2007 and later.
- It is possible to send the article as follows: First, the author of the article registers in the journal website at and sends his articles online. If the article is sent online, the corresponding author can view all the stages of review, judging, ... of his article in the journal system. Therefore, if possible, do not send the articles to the postal address, the photos and diagrams used should be sent separately in the form of a TIFF or JPEG file. Please have at least 300 dpi when scanning images.
- Original articles and short scientific reports should contain title, name of author or authors, address of their place of work, Persian summary and English summary (maximum 200 words), Persian and English keywords (3-5 words), introduction, materials And methods, results, discussion, thanks and appreciation and list of sources used, prepared in a maximum of 15 pages.
- The first page of the article should include the title of the article, the name of the author or authors and the address of the authors' place of work. Also, the details of the corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk and sent with the full address, landline and mobile phone number, fax number and e-mail address.
- Persian summary and English summary should be exactly in accordance with each other and include the goals, materials and methods, results, conclusions and keywords of Persian and English words.
- The introduction should include a review of the work done and a presentation of the author's intended goal.
- Materials and methods should contain all the information about the number of samples used (including animals), the tools used and the methods used. In carrying out research activities related to the subject of the article, the research principles should be observed and the approval of the ethics committee of the relevant institute in relation to the issues that have been done on animals and humans should be attached.
- Results: In this section, the findings should be presented in a suitable and usable way in the form of text, tables, figures and their interpretation and their repetition in the text should be avoided.
- Discussion, the results obtained from the research in this section should be analyzed and compared with other existing scientific information in this field in Iran and the world.
- Tables, diagrams and pictures should be placed in separate pages with subtitles and according to the given number in the text and their place in the text should be specified.
- In case of using abbreviations and signs, once they have been fully explained, in the first use in the written text, they should not be used again in the title of the article and the summary of the article.
- Mentioning sources in the text: if the article has one author as "Islami, 1389" and if the authors are two as "Yousefi and Gilanpour, 1382", and more than two authors as "Salimi et al., 1386" Write with the necessary punctuation. If an article is written in two different sources, the characteristics of both sources should be mentioned in alphabetical order in parentheses (Islami et al., 2009; Tajbakhsh and Nadalian, 1978). If the source used is in English, the author's name should be given in English in the text while observing the above, and the word collaborators and year should be written in Persian (Nazifi et al., 1998).
- List of sources: This section should contain the title and address of all articles, books or a part of them, valid dissertations and sources taken from the Internet and in alphabetical order, first Persian sources and then English sources to Mention the following.
Persian Articles: Surname of the author (s) and the first letter of the author (s), year of publication, title of the article, name of the publication, volume number and number of pages. As: Islami, A .; Firoozvand, Y .; Bakai, S .; Ronqi, H. 1388. Study of the relationship between the number of adult worms and the number of eggs per gram of feces of sheep infected with Dicrocellium dendriticum. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Laboratory. 1 (1), 9-16.
Foreign articles: Nazifi, S., Rezakhani, A., Gheisari, H.R. 1998. Physical, biochemical and cytologic properties of blood and synovial fluid in clinically normal adult camel (Camelus dromedarius). Journal of Veterinary Medicine A. 45, 155- 160.
Book: Surname of the author (s) and the first letter of the author's name (s), year of publication, book title, date of publication, publisher of the book, address of the publisher. Number of pages used. As Arfa, F. Medical Worm Science. First Edition, Khosravi Publications Tehran, Tehran, Iran. 78-79. Baro, E. J., Fenegold, S. M. 1990. Diagnostic Microbiology, 3rd ed. Mosby Company London, UK. 331-351.
Thesis: Surname of the author and the first letter of the author's name, year of submission, title of the dissertation, name of the institution of the place of presentation. As Jebelli Javan, A., 2005. Evaluation of PCR method for diagnosis of Salmonella enterica serovar Abortus Ovis. General veterinary medicine. University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
PhD thesis Salimi-Bejestani, M. R. 2004. Epidemiology and immunodiagnosis of Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle. PhD Thesis, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
Mention source from the Internet: Author or author, title, year, website address and exact date of use of the relevant source. Foley, K.M. 2001. Improving palliative care for cancer. Washington: National Academy Press. Available from:
14- Review articles: This type of article should have at least three sources from the first author and 20 sources from other researchers and include generalities, history, general methods of studies, discussion, conclusions, sources and suggestions.