Hematological and histopathological diagnosis of MCF like disease in a Persian gazelle » Gazella subgutturosa « (First report)


  Abstract:  An adult gazelle with a history of anorexia, coughing, epifora, blindness, diarrhea and poor condition was referred to the Veterinary Clinic. In clinical examination, depression, eye opaqueness, congestion of scleral vessels, photophobia, abundant and repugnant nasal and ocular discharges, hypersalivation, various degree of eyelids edema, exophthalmus, bilateral blindness, nystagmus, neck rigidity, incoordination, a stiff.-legged gait, lethargy, reluctance to move, recumbency, dyspnea, general lymphadenopathy, epithelial necrosis and erosions in the mouth and a high body temperature (42oC ) were observed. The sick gazelle died within 5 days from the appearance of the initial clinical signs. Necropsy of the gazelle revealed no specific gross lesions, except mild abomasal hemorrhages and mucosal congestion of intestine. Histopathologic examinations showed lymphocytic perivascular cuffing, vascultits, extravasation of RBCs in Virchow-Robin space, hemorrhage and microglisis. The pathognomic microscopic findings can be considered, together with the clinical and gross pathological lesions, as occurrence of MCF.  
