Helminth infections of animal and diagnostic methods Part II: Non parasitological methods


  Abstract:  Precise diagnosis of different diseases including parasitic infections has an important role in their epidemiological studies, treatment and control. In most cases, it is possible to diagnose diseases or infections caused by helminths, using cheap and accurate parasitological methods.  Diagnosis of pork Trichinella infection, Intramuscular or migrant stages of parasites such as Fasciola interparanchymal stage, intestinal stage of amphystomiasis, metacestodiasis , hemonchosis under field condition were performed using serological methods ,Enzyme methods (Ostertagiasis), commercial kits (haemonchosis, dirofilariasis), detecting of coproantigen (adult cestodes in carnivores, ruminant GI nematodes).  Sometimes other non parasitological methods such as endoscopy are the only methods for diagnosis of some diseases (equine habronemiasis, feline phisalopteriasis and dog spirocercosis). Meanwhile echocardiography, angiography, electrocardiography and sonography are useful for accurate  diagnosis of dirofilariasis and … Certainly, more accurate methods, parasitological or non parasitological, other than the current methods will be presented in future for diagnosis of parasites, which will improve the treatment, control and eradication of many parasitic diseases.    
