Serological detection of H9N2 avian influenza virus antibodies in cats: prevalence and risk factors in Kerman city

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clinical science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran



Avian H9N2 influenza virus is a significant pandemic pathogen widely distributed throughout the world. This virus can infect different species and cause zoonotic infections. Ownership of pets has been identified as a contributory factor to the transmission of infections to humans. In light of significant public health issues, this research investigated the prevalence of the H9N2 avian influenza virus in cats in the southeastern region of Iran. 75 feline blood samples were obtained from various sources, including the veterinary clinic of Shahid Bahonar University in Kerman, private clinics, and stray cats within the city. The results showed that 49 of the 75 feline samples (65.33%) tested positive for the presence of H9N2 antibodies. Statistical analysis revealed that raw food diets, outdoor living environments, and contact with other animals were identified as key contributors to increased seropositivity rates. This study demonstrates the potential risk factors for H9N2 exposure in the feline population and could inform future strategies to mitigate transmission risks in both domestic and stray cat populations.
