Investigating the effect of abscisic acid on histopathological changes following acute spinal cord injury in a rat model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of Pathobiology,, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran



Immediately after spinal cord injury, nerve inflammation causes neuropathic pain and motor impairment. As a phytohormone with a modulating role in plants, abscisic acid has anti-inflammatory effects in various animal tissues. In this study, the effects of abscisic acid as an anti-inflammatory agent were used in the acute model of spinal cord injury.
The weight throwing method was used to create a model of spinal cord injury in rats. For this purpose, 36 adult male rats were used and the animals were grouped as follows: the control group: no injury and drug administration, spinal cord injury group without drug treatment, spinal cord injury group with intrathecal administration of fentanyl, spinal cord injury group with abscisic acid treatment (10μg /rat. IT), spinal cord injury group treated with 15μg/rat.IT), spinal cord injury group treated with methylprednisolone (30mg/kg. IP). To evaluate the effects of abscisic acid on pathological changes in In the acute phase of spinal cord injury, the spinal cord tissues were cut at the lesion site and examined by a pathologist. This study showed that the administration of abscisic acid causes improvement in the amount of edema, bleeding, and necrosis at the pathological level in the spinal cord injury induction groups compared to the control group, although this difference was not significant.
The histopathological findings from the present study showed that abscisic acid can reduce the pathological effects in the acute phase of spinal cord injury to some extend and further studies are necessary in this field.


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