The First Report of Occurance of Prostate in Uterine Tissue of a Lamb Affected by Male Pseudohermaphroditism

Document Type : Original Article


Azad University Road



This report paper presents the occurance of male pseudohermaphroditism in a female Sangesari breed lamb of 8 months age, which was identified and approved through macroscopic and microscopic examination.
Visual examination of the external genitalia in the lamb indicated to be female with vulva, but the lamb had testes and epididymis like structure as internal genital organs.
On histopathological examination of testicular tissues presence of immature seminiferous tubules lined by Sertoli cells and primitive gamet like cells was revealed. Cyctic tubule like structures with primitive and degenerative gamet like cells of epididymis, was observed microscopically. Presence of prostat like structure within the uterine wall was considered as a unique microscopic structure in this study.
In spite of very rare reports of male pseudohermaphroditism in sheep, and lack of previous studies on Sangesari breed, this study was considered as the first report of this disorder in the above mentioned breed in Semnan province, Iran.


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