Intussusception following an overdose of metoclopramide and ranitidine in a Persian cat

Document Type : Original Article


Semnan. Faculty of Semnan University


Intussusception is one of the unusual diseases in dogs and cats. Any change in the movements of the intestines and the difference in the movements of different parts of the intestine can be a risk factor for its occurrence. Some drugs used to control symptoms and treat gastrointestinal diseases can cause changes in bowel movements. Ranitidine and metoclopramide are among these drugs that, in addition to their main properties, increase the movements of parts of the intestine. The following report is about a male cat that is treated for diarrhea and vomiting caused by a change in diet with listed drugs. After one week of using prescription drugs, the animal presents with symptoms of black diarrhea and severe lethargy state. The history indicated overdose of prescription drugs by the owner. despite maintenance treatments, this animal died after two hours of being in the hospital due to severe anemia and the lack of matching blood for transfusion. Autopsy showed the presence of intussusception.


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