Anatomical and histological study of kidney and urinary tracts in the male and female pheasant (Phasianus colchicus)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Veterinary Medicine, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmasar, Iran.

2 semnan


Many morphological studies have been carried out about the urinary system, humans, domestic animals, and birds. The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological and morphometric characteristics of the urinary system in pheasants. For this research, 20 male and female pheasants were randomly selected and their kidneys and urinary tracts were studied morphologically. The middle lobe of the pheasant kidney is the largest lobe and the posterior lobe is the smallest lobe. The placement and shape of pheasant kidneys are very similar to other birds, especially chickens. The border of the anterior lobe with the middle lobe and the middle lobe with the posterior lobe is completely defined. The average length and width of all three lobes in females are slightly less than in males. In several birds the posterior lobes of the right and left kidneys are combined in the midline. But in domestic chickens and pheasants, the right and left posterior lobes are separated and have a distinct border. Like other birds, the pheasant does not have a bladder. The parenchyma of pheasant kidney lobes consists of a number of tissue units in the form of lobules, pheasant kidney lobules, like other birds, have two cortical and central parts. Apart from the parenchyma, the central part of the kidney has a central cone, which is one of the characteristics of the kidney tissue of birds, similar to the cortical part.


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