parasitic infection of Cyprinodonts skin and Gill

Document Type : Original Article



Parasitic infection of three species of Cyprinodonts was investigated during 2014. A total of 120 samples(40 of each species) including: Black Molly(Poecilia sphenops),Guppy( Poecilia reticulate) and Platy(Xiphophorus maculatus) were examined. 42.5% of samples were infected. Isolated protozoan parasite consisted Ichthyophthyrius multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Apiosoma sp. And metazoan parasite included Gyrodactylus bullatarudis, Urocleidoides reticulatus and Urocleidoides sp. Frequency of isolated parasites in Molly, Guppy and Platy were 57.5, 32.5 and 12.5, respectively.
