Case report: Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in five household cats


AbstractEclampsia or milk fever is the sudden onset of clinical signs associated with low blood calcium levels (hypocalcemia) that occur more in lactating queens. It is an emergency and occurs when the kittens are 3-5 weeks old (just before weaning). Eclampsia can appear rarely in late pregnancy (pre-eclampsia). In the present study, five household cats with age range between 8 months and 2.5 years, domestic short hair (DSH) and with 1.8-3.8 kg weight were referred to Veterinary Hospital of Shahid Chamran University. Symptoms such as restlessness, hyper-excitability, rapid breathing, uncoordinated gait, pale mucous membranes, muscle tremor and lack of appetite were seen. A plain radiograph of the skeletal was normal. Electrocardiogram was recorded to check cardiac arrhythmia which was normal. In this disorder, the level of total maternal calcium had suddenly dropped (less than 7 mg/dl). Aspartat aminotransferase enzyme (AST) was increased (>55 IU/l) in all cases. Three out of 5 cats had hypocalcemia after parturition. The queens had a large litter. Only two cats had hypocalcemia at the end of pregnancy. Supportive treatments (Slow intravenous administration of calcium gluconate and Vitamin D) were administered for all of them. Their kittens were removed at once, and were feed with a milk replacement by the owners. Level of total calcium was normal after treatment.
